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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy First Anniversary,Blog!!

Hi Everyone,

Today is my blog's first anniversary and here again I would like to take this opportunity to wish my beloved blog a Happy First Anniversary!.
Turning the clock to 12 months back when I started this whole blog thingy, I didn't expect myself to be enthusiastic/disciplined enough to write entries atleast twice a month as I thought my passion of updating the blog will soon fade away as time passes. Fortunately, I've found many benefits from writing entries in my blog. Not only am I able to improve my writing skills, I was also able to improve my vocabulary knowledge. Aside from the educational input that I have gained from it, I was also able to express my feelings and thoughts more effectively through my blog. My blog is the place where I write about the happy and sad moments I encounter in life. This blog was initially named " A piece of Vick to remember"... Half a year ago, I changed its name to "Droplets of Hope" and now... it is called " Horizon of Hopes".. Horizon of Hopes was chosen because I believe that everyone has many hopes in their life which resembles a horizon of hopes. It is these hopes that we aspire to work hard in life to achieve them. Hopes are not merely dreams although many of us regard them as dreams.. But I believe that hopes are actually goals in life.. Something that we want to achieve but we have not achieve it yet. Once these goals have been achieved, we feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. Same goes to this blog of mine. From its humble beginnings as just a simple plain blog to what it is now. I "hoped" that it will be a place where I can express my feelings and thoughts but at the same time presentable.. And due to my hardwork and determination, I am quite satisfied with what I have achieved with this blog(especially when I am not good with computers) although I believe that there are room for improvements.

To the readers, thank you for constantly dropping by to read about the updates of your dear old friend here and thanks to those who contributed their constructive advises and sincere care during my difficult times.. This first anniversary is not only dedicated to my blog but to you guys as well.. !!!

O yeah, before I forget.. Starting from now on the format of this blog will be slightly different in the sense that I'll be adding category thumbnails into each post. The categories are as follows:

- Related to posts regarding my field of study and of course, Nature.

- My school life.. Duh!!

- Vick's Personal Stuffs.

- Latest gadgets, celebrations and etc..

- Music, my passion.

Lastly... You guys rock!!!!



Anonymous said...

Err.. me again. Here's ur comment for ur special post. Haha.. Umm.. Good job la. One thing though, why am i not given any credit for helping u with ur blog layout?? Hahahahahh kidding

Jackie said... semangat la u XD..but all d best =)...i everyday also click ur blog n c..haha